#Computer-supported  cooperative work and social computing (CSCW)
#Computer-mediated communication (CMC)
#Remote workplace
#AI-mediated communication
#Responsibility attribution 
#Mixed-methods (quantitative and qualitative methods)

I am Chi-Lan Yang (楊期蘭/ヤン チーラン), an assistant professor doing Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW) research at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo, Japan. I collaborate closely with the Cyber Interface Lab and the Interactive Intelligent Systems Lab at the University of Tokyo (Join us if you find the research topics interesting!). My research employs concepts/theories and research methods from the field of psychology and communication to address information science research questions.

My recent research focuses on exploring how people express themselves and perceive others through the mediation of intelligent information technology for the purpose of (1) building and maintaining different types of social relationships and (2) facilitating meaningful interaction. For instance, how machine learning (AI)-infused communication channels influence the way we express, perceive emotion, and make attributions when communicating online; how generative AI influences the perceived meaningfulness of social interaction online. The overall goal is to discover various ways to support communication and relationship maintenance by leveraging intelligent technologies

During my Ph.D., I was mentored by Prof. Takuji Narumi (advisor) and Prof. Hideaki Kuzuoka (co-advisor) at the Cyber Interface Lab, the University of Tokyo. My doctoral research explores and supports remote communication among distributed members in workplaces through CMC technologies. Specifically, we found that various online social cues, including un/available cues, online representation, contextual information, and technical issues, can influence how people form impressions of their remote colleagues, especially their weak ties. The overall goal of this line of research is to reshape the attribution process between remote interlocutors and better support online relationship building by designing computer-mediated communication (CMC) technologies. [Project page] : )

Apart from research activities, I explore a different world by reading novels, writing popular science about HCI topics, sketching, and searching for hot springs in Japan ♨️.

(Last updated: 2024/03)#楊期蘭 #東京大學 #東京大学 #情報學 #人機互動 #HCI #CSCW #東大


I have been trained as an HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) researcher from the Institute of Information Systems and Applications (ISA) at National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan since 2015. 

In the past few years, I had been collaborated with and advised by Prof. Hao-Chuan Wang from the Department of Computer Science at UC Davis since 2014. I was also co-advised by Prof. Chien-Wen (Tina) Yuan since 2017. We worked together on exploring the topic of computer-mediated knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing. 

Before stepping into the world of HCI, I received a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from National Cheng Kung University and had been conducting cognitive science research as a research assistant at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at National Central University in Taiwan.

Broadly speaking, my research interests lie in the intersection of computer-mediated communication, computer-supported cooperative work and social computing. The overall goal of my research is to better understand how intelligent information technologies shape human cognition and behavior individually and collectively. Currently, I am working on exploring how different types of social cues shape people's perception of their remote counterparts and the attribution process when people have social interactions online (e.g., video call, text chat, audio chat, social virtual reality)

Other than doing research, I also spend some time writing Chinese articles to introduce HCI/CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing) research to the general audiences. Take a look here. Also, I sometimes sketch to express my feeling and observation of my daily life.

(Last updated: 2022/04)

Technology-Mediated Meaningful Social Interaction (2023~)

(Last updated: 2024/07)

Understanding and Influencing Responsibility Attribution when Experiencing Technical Issues in Video Conferencing

Chi-Lan Yang, Xiaotong Li, Takuji Narumi, Hideaki Kuzuoka.

[PDF will be uploaded around Sep.] (To appear in ACM CSCW'24)

#Computer-mediated communication #Impression formation #Responsibility attribution

Mark Armstrong, Chi-Lan Yang, Kinga Skiers, Mengzhen Lim, Tamil Selvan Gunasekaran, Ziyue Wang, Takuji Narumi, Kouta Minamizawa, Yun Suen Pai

[PDF] (To appear in ACM CSCW'24)

#Computer-mediated communication #Avatar-mediated communication #Online relationship building

Impression Formation with Augmented Social Cues in Remote Workplaces (2020~)

(Last updated: 2023/03)

#Computer-mediated communication #Impression formation #Attribution 

#Remote workplace

Chi-Lan Yang, Shigeo Yoshida, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Takuji Narumi, Naomi Yamashita.

[Project page] [30-second Video] [PDF] (Appeared in ACM CHI'23)

#Computer-mediated communication #Impression formation #Message interpretation #Affective communication #text-based communication

Chi-Lan Yang, Xiaotong Li, Takuji Narumi, Hideaki Kuzuoka.

[PDF] [Video] (Appeared in ACM CHI'22 Late-breaking work)

#Computer-mediated communication #Attribution #Perception #Videoconferencing #Technical issues

Chi-Lan Yang, advised by Takuji Narumi and Hideaki Kuzuoka.

[PDF]  (Appeared in ACM CSCW'21 Doctoral Consortium)

#Perception gap #Social cues #Computer-mediated communication #Misattribution #Workplace relationship

Chi-Lan Yang, Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Hao-Chuan Wang, Eureka Foong. 

[Project page] [PDF] (Appeared in PACM HCI GROUP'22)

In this study, we found that remote workers depended on one-on-one synchronous tools to infer the engagement level of strong ties, but used group-based communication tools to infer the engagement level of weak ties during working from home. The absence of cues in remote workplaces exacerbated prior impressions formed in the physical office. Our findings showed that remote work led workers to form polarized perceptions of their respective ties.

#Computer-mediated Communication #Remote Workplace #Tie Strength #Engagement #Perception #Social Cues #CSCW

Knowledge Transfer in Workplaces (2016~2019)

(Last updated: 2020/01)

With a mixture of field observations, social network analysis, and in-depth interviews, we found that there is a discrepancy between inbound and outbound knowledge transfer and scaffolding workers to connect to the right person with metaknowledge of the knowledge network is essential.

#Knowledge Sharing #Social Network Analysis #CSCW #Computer-mediated Knowledge_Transfer #Mixed-Method #Workplace

In this study, we demonstrate that visualizing the understanding level of the remote learner benefits communication quality between the remote instructor and learner as they transfer knowledge online. 

#Knowledge Sharing #CSCW #Computer-mediated Knowledge Transfer #CMC

This work had been shared at the poster session at IUI, 2018, and is still an ongoing project.

This work tries to investigate cued-knowledge sharing, which pairs instructors with partners of different levels of expertise who also participate in the tutorial generation and give cues (prompts, questions) to the instructors to facilitate their knowledge externalization.

#Computer-mediated Knowledge Transfer #Knowledge Sharing #Tutorial Generation

Professional Community Services

